Saturday, July 22, 2006

Eva's current status

With the crash of my PC a few weeks ago, I am a little behind in keeping everyone here it goes!

Eva is now walking! She has been taking steps as of 7.15, but only when someone holds their hands out and calls her. On Wednesday, she decided to walk across the office (8 steps) to rummage through a bag of stuffed animals. Yesterday, she discovered that she can walk from toy to toy across the great room. I'd say she is now on her feet 50% of the time and crawling the other 50%.

Current words:
Momm(a/y), Daddy, kitty, baby, hi, doggy, bubble, and balloon (no longer bubbloo!). Oh, she can also quack and moo.

Current signs:
duck, milk, fan, light, more, eat, come here, diaper change, dog, kitty, horse, cow, daddy, mommy

She has been signing away lately. It seems like everything is falling into place. Even though she doesn't sign every word that I have been teaching her, she clearly understands them. There have been times that I have signed to her without speaking and she follows the command - fascinating!

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