Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The boy

ok Mom, leave me alone...here's a picture of him!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Latest furniture ad

After all the shots they take, I always wonder which one will be chosen...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Some updates...

This photo is from labor day weekend. We went blueberry picking somewhere in western NC. Stella and I were taking a little break in the car when I took this. I just love her expression! Oh, and I don't do any post processing on those gorgeous blues...

I dug this photo up last night. She is probably about 6 months old here...

She's so silly

Eva just walked into my office to tell me she has the hippycups. I assume she means, wait it is now confirmed, the hiccups :)

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jellybeans - yum!

Eva and I have a homework assignment...to put together a collage of some of her favorite things. Well, I rarely have any pictures of this little one so we decided that we are going to do it from scratch. She told me yesterday that jellybeans need to be on there, so here it is - taken yesterday:

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

My new goal...

My goal is to have this by the time I shoot my December 20th Wedding...Merry Christmas to me! It's only 3k!

pretty handsome, eh?