Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Eva and I had fun making our turkey last night! She ate so many berries while adding them to the skewers, I was almost shocked that she wanted some for dessert!
(honey dew melon body, assorted berries on skewers for tail feathers, bosc pear head, raisin eyes, cheese beak, red pepper feathers, feet, and snood)

We made these turkeys while Daddy was cooking the real turkey!
(Newman's Own cookies, candy corn tail feathers and beak, banana head, and chocolate chip eyes)

The kids assembled and then ate these while the grown ups were drinking a little wine and socializing during our pre-Thanksgiving holiday!
(wheat bread cut into squares and a circle for the head, veggie cream cheese for filling and 'glue', peas for eyes, cheese for the beak and red pepper slices for the tail feathers)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Stella's 1st birthday!

Ok, I'm convinced that I can't shoot my own parties while just doesn't work! I tried to capture the moments and am at least happy with the cake shots...but I didn't do the cake or the decor justice! I have lots of photos of Stelly's friends too, I just couldn't get everything posted in time for Thanksgiving. Anyway, here are a few of them that I took...and thankfully, I had a friend taking photos as well, so someday I'll get to those and post some of them too!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

squeaky clean!

Stelly taking a bird bath in the kitchen sink. She had every rubber ducky from her party in there with her :)

Monday, November 17, 2008


Ok, a little behind on these, but today, I thought I had accidentally erased this card without uploading them. Once I found them, it inspired and motivated me to post at least one of each!

I think these are also the LAST shots taken with my fuji...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Be careful what you say!

Me: Eva, get your pink hightops out of your closet so we can leave.
Eva: What are hightops?
Me: They are shoes that go up high.
Eva: (Looking in her closet) Which ones?
Me: (Pointing) Right there.
Eva: Oh, ok (followed by her throwing them up in the air) Oh, right, they do go up high.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Halloween goodies...

Just a few things that were on our night before Halloween dinner menu...I just love Halloween ;)