Tuesday, October 25, 2011

State Fair 2011

We decided to play hooky on Friday to head over the State Fair before it got too crazy with the weekend crowds. The kids had a blast as usual and we got our years worth of fried food. The featured foods this year were fried bubble gum, brownies and kool aid. We didn't try any of those, but I did get a picture of the kool aid!

First things first - we sought out the Krispy Kreme Burger

Krispy Kreme Burger

Krispy Kreme Burger

Krispy Kreme Burger

Krispy Kreme Burger Bite

On to more fair fare...

Deep Fried Anything and Everything

Deep fried mac-n-cheese {nice little savory bites, too salty to have more than 1}

Fried Mac-n-cheese

Fried Mac-n-cheese

Fried Mac-n-cheese

Deep fried Reese's Peanut Butter Cups {heavenly}

Deep fried Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Deep fried Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Cotton Candy Stand

Fair Food

The best candy apple stand, located by the lake. $6/apple, but definitely the best at the fair. 3 out of 3 monkeys agree.

Best Candy Apples

The girls both picked granny smith apples dipped in caramel AND in chocolate genache, then covered in sprinkles. The caramel chocolate combo was pretty fantastic. They had so many others that looked decadent too. The guy that was making the apples said his favorite was dipped in caramel, then chocolate, then rolled in nuts. Sounds like a good thing to experiment with at home!

Mouse Bites

Pumpkin Candy Apple


UNC Candy Apple

This is the deep fried Kool Aid. I would have loved to have tried it, but realistically, look how much is in there?!

Deep Fried Kool Aid

Food aside, we had some other fun too...


Hot Air Balloon Ride

Dragon Roller Coaster

Ferris Wheel

We love the carousel, always have...




I love this moment. The girls were getting ready to go in a fun house and they were both a little scared and unsure about it. I absolutely adore how they support and depend on each other. {melt}

Scared Support Tactics

I thought these two were so cute, so I asked if I could take a photo of them at work in their rootbeer stand. Turns out I know their son very well. Super sweet folks!

Adorable Rootbeer Vendors

Goofballs come out of the woodwork there is a camera around:


The girls thought she was the swamp ghost from James Carville's "Lu and the Swamp Ghost." They were fascinated!

Tree Woman

End it with the obligatory group shot that no one wants to make easy ;)

My Peeps