Look at that view from the cabin!

So many fun aspects to my parent's cabin. Here are just a few shots...

The next morning we hiked to see a waterfall. Eva took the hiking very seriously with her walking stick.

After the hike, the kids played in the creek at the bottom of mountain.

On the way back from our hike, we stopped at a fabulous little hole in the wall BBQ joint. After living in NC for 8 years, I'm particular about my BBQ, but this place nailed it. Great find!

One of the days just playing around the cabin...

Yep, I got that close. I guess I'm getting braver?

The hills are riddled with something that looks a lot like Iron Pyrite. Eva thought she had struck it rich at a goldmine. I just liked the way that the hills seem to sparkle!

Awwww, they love each other.

Time to get the kids alone for photos! I haven't taken them out in so long to get a decent photo of them and there were so many great places and backgrounds to choose from out there. This little area was just outside the cabin:

I love how everything she does, she does with a huge smile!

Little Stelly...so sweet. She gave me about 4 minutes to photograph her. By far, my most challenging subject!

When Stella and I returned to the cabin, Nana had painted Eva's nails. So fancy!

After seeing Eva get all the photo attention, Stella decided to participate!

Her indication that she had had enough!

Mickey thought this was a good way to pass the time. Thankfully there was nothing around so he could aim it anywhere without worry!

The notorious humming bird - caught in action!

This was kind of cool. After the girls had gone to sleep one night, the rest of us were watching TV when we heard something hitting the glass of the front door repeatedly. It looked fairly large and was hitting pretty hard! It almost looked like the humming bird that we had been watching all day. We turned the outside lights on to try to figure out what it was and realized it was a beautiful luna moth! The bodies on these moths are huge, thick and hairy! There were actually a few of them and they are super fast. They were interesting to watch (and read about) as they dodged and flew all over the place in the light outside the house.

The next morning, one luna moth was sitting on the front porch. Not sure if it was injured or just at that point in it's short lifecycle, but it clearly wasn't doing too well. Grandpa and Eva took good care of it and moved it somewhere safe where it wouldn't get squished or eaten.

The beautiful trees were scattered throughout the woods. We found out during the trip that they are honeysuckle trees. They are gorgeous!

One day, we visited Crystal's family farm. Grandma and Grandpa met Crystal while they were looking for a cabin. She was the very patient real estate agent that dragged them up and down the mountains until they found the gem they wanted ;) On the top of the hill overlooking the farm was a pasture full of cows. The cows, apparently, were excited to see people, because they all came running to the pickup truck! Make a note of how Nana was hiding in the cab of the truck while the babies were up high in the bed!

Some serious eye contact from this group...

Inside the house, they had some baby chicks. Nana and Eva loved the chicks. Stella was less than thrilled that they pooped on the floor.

The girls swinging with Crystal. As I am typing this, Stella just walked up and said, "I love her so much." Both girls just LOVED Crystal!

As I was wandering around a cowboy on a white horse rode by. I took this picture simply to prove I wasn't just daydreaming. Nope, it was real.

Mom, this shot is for you. I know you want a butterfly to paint :)

Horseback riding!

On one of the many potty stops, I saw these flowers. Don't know why, they just caught my eye. They looked really unique, super tall and skinny - all over the hill.

They looked even prettier up close:

Now, many people know that I am a big Roadside America fan. Turns out, we weren't far from the world's largest 10 commandments. Score! These flowers were all over the hill where the 10 commandments are displayed.

and here they are - huge!

The next few shots are all on the property of the world's largest 10 commandments. It was a beautiful location - very well-kept!

Another one of our adventures was the Cherokee Indian Reservation. I had stumbled upon the reservation last year when I took a wrong turn. I was really hoping to go back to check out the casino this year. We all went together so we could look around and show the kids some of the Native American culture. We stopped at Paula Deen's for a fabulous lunch. Best mac-n-cheese EVER. We did not make it into the casino. Darn kids. Next time, definitely next time (that was meant for you Pop!)
On the reservation, we met Killing Bear. Mickey and Stella were eager to meet him, while Eva was a little intimidated. Killing Bear was very sweet.

Next up - bull rides!

Look at Eva's face...she wasn't sure what to make of the bull!

Mickey started out slowly, but flew off a few times once they cranked it up a few notches. 3 times to be exact ;)

Even after seeing Mickey fly off the bull, Eva was eager to try it!

Look at that face...and that hand!

...and she gets tossed too!

Stella watched from the sidelines and counted how many times Mickey and Eva got thrown off the bull!

bathtime with ladybugs. Stella doesn't look thrilled.

On the way home, we just had to stop at a gem mine. Stella found a few crystals like amethyst. Nothing really worth anything. Eva, on the other hand, found a 10ct emerald. She was all upset since it didn't look beautiful like Stella's. I tried to explain the difference, but it didn't sink in! Mickey hid his gems. I'm guessing he had a few good ones ;)

Thought I'd end it with this photo of Stella. This was actually at the World's largest 10 commandments. She just looks so exhausted. Good ending to the trip!